TRC - temporary residence permit, Long-Term residence permit, PR, Citizenship and more.
Preparation of package of documents, contact with your employer regarding documents, booking of appointment in immigration office for fingerprints, contact with immigration office regarding your case, assistance in offices and more.
Find out how to get TRC - karta pobytu in Poland
Medical Insurance
Company registration
Registration in Polish Civil Offices of foreign documents
Accounting Services
There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure.
~Colin Powell
Our company’s specialists have extensive experience in handling cases related to the legalization of stay on the basis of work, business, education, family reunification, formally unregistered relationships, etc.
We know how to get the document you need legally and in the shortest possible time.
Register for personal submission. We take care of all contacts with administrations.
Save time - personal submission, correctly completed documents and an accurate action plan save up to a year of time.
Save money - Our company will help you achieve results without unnecessary expenses.
Contact form
How can we help you?
Phone Contact
(+48) 453 589 453
Openning hours
Pon - Pt: 10:00-19:00
Sob: 11:00 - 16:00
ul. Postępu 15
02-676 Warszawa
Temporary Residence Permit (TRC)
Long-Term RP (PR)
Permanent Residence (PR)
Polish Citizenship
Polish Travel Document
Cutting of Deportation
Polish Driver Licence
Legal Stay Consult